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Guestbook (Continued)

Ray Pegelow
Fredericksburg, VA
WARNING ! These animals are addictive and have a mysterious way
of attaching themselves permanently to your heart. Once attached
your life will never be the same.  7/16/18

Jenny Weyler
Shrewsbury, MA

I am a happy mom of four Chinese Crested Powderpuffs. I adore
these silly babies! Three of our Puffs are rescues. Our latest
rescue is very damaged emotionally so we are working hard to
teach him to trust people, but I was so happy to find your site and
know where to go when we’re ready to rescue again. Until then, I
will be donating. Keep up the good work!  7/26/18

Columbus, Ohio
Last week I adopted a male 6 yr old Chinese Crested mix that was 1
of 300 animals taken from Grimes Co, TX at the Houston Humane
Society. I appreciate all the info on your site as this is my 1st CC. I
have a rescued female 11 yr old Italian Greyhound "velcro" dog. I
thought the breeds personalities would be compatible. Thanks for
all the hard work.  11/2/18

Darriel and Charlie Anderson
Thank you. Would love a chance to see Zoey. She reminds us of
our sweet Molly. 3/10/19

Nicole Joly
London, Ontario, Canada
I do have to admit Chinese crested hairless are the best I ever had
and owned. My baby girl live to be 19 years old and recently had to
put her down. She became deaf and blind as I am deaf myself. Then
she had a stroke but i wouldn't  give up. We stuck together and of
course my baby boy Buddy help (Doberman) they are my world and I
do anything for my babies. But for Peggie (Chinese crested
hairless) she was my rock as she got older her kidney started to
fail and her liver started to fail and then the seizure started to
come more and I couldn't have her suffer anymore but the vet
made me feel really good he has never seen a dog survive that
long and how amazed how my dog was in good hand well looked
after. I miss my baby girl so bad and my baby boy cries for her
sleeps with her blankets. But what I can stay yes Chinese Crested
hairless are the best but she is now  in heaven with her real mom
and my mom. She in the hand of God looking down on us.  3/13/19